OrthoLite’s Vietnam Factory Sets the Standard: 95% Achievement Score from The Higg Index
The Higg Index results are in. And they are fantastic!
OrthoLite’s Vietnam factory achieved an overall verified score of 95% from the Higg Index.
Four of our seven reported categories/workstreams were verified at 100%. Two were verified in the 90th percentile, and one was verified at 76%. It is an achievement worth celebrating!
These verified scores mean our Vietnam factory is accurately reporting on our varied sustainability, environmental and process improvements, and also setting the new standards other factories should strive to achieve.
Understanding the Higg Index
The Higg Index, in all its beauty, is notoriously difficult to understand. Let’s break down how we earn these scores and what they mean.
Step One: OrthoLite’s self-reporting
OrthoLite and other participating companies self-report our environmental sustainability efforts using objective data and verifiable observation. The reporting is intensive and thorough. Truthfully, the reporting process can be difficult to interpret.
Why is it hard to interpret? Part of the philosophy guiding the Higg Index is to constantly move the goal post forward and encourage companies to continually improve their environmental and social performances. While that ensures a win for long-term global sustainability efforts, it’s challenging to accurately measure and report against a constantly evolving outcome and constantly evolving standards.
Step Two: Outside assessment of the OrthoLite self-reports
To ensure companies are interpreting results and reporting accurately, the submitted reports are assessed by approved verifying bodies. To paraphrase from the Higg website: Once the data is verified, the scores provide trusted information on facility environmental performance and reduce the need for multiple proprietary audits.
The OrthoLite reports were audited by three external verifiers over the course of two days.
Step Three: Interpreting the Higg Index verification scores
The Higg Index is the most sophisticated tool available for manufacturers to secure a cleaner, healthier future for people and for the planet. Companies that follow and report Higg Index standards are paving a path toward a better tomorrow by helping to elevate practices industry-wide.
The gap between self-reported and verified scores
Companies strive to close the gap between their reported scores and verified scores. A small gap means they understood and accurately measured the reporting parameters. A bigger gap doesn’t necessarily imply poor environmental performance, as much as it reflects how the reporting was conducted.
The value of high scores
High verified scores indicate that a facility is on the leading edge of today’s sustainability standards. This doesn’t mean companies with low scores shouldn’t be reprimanded. Simply by participating in this intense process, they’re demonstrating a commitment to improvement. Of primary importance for all companies is that our scores improve year to year.
The value of the highest scores
OrthoLite Vietnam was verified at 100% in four categories. It means we are setting the standard for high performance in those categories. So what’s the value of 100% when the idea is continual improvement? If we want to stay at 100%, we will keep pushing a higher bar and keep setting even higher standards for environmental performance.
The value of lower scores
We’re proud of each of our verified scores. In the big picture, 76% is firmly in the exceptional category. We’re learning where we can tighten our reporting parameters to close the gap within the Higg Index.
And for daily sustainable purposes, this helps us identify opportunities to constantly elevate and measure our process improvement. The Higg Index is designed to help us all do better.
OrthoLite’s Vietnam Factory Scores
Environmental Management: Reported 100%; Verified 100%
Energy: Reported 100%; Verified 100%
Water: Reported 100%; Verified 100%
Wastewater Management: Reported 100%; Verified 100%
Waste: Reported 100%; Verified 92%
Air Quality: Reported 98%; Verified 98%
Chemical Management: Reported 98%; Verified 76%
Altogether, OrthoLite’s average self-reported score was 99%, which was verified at 95%.
Richard Bevan, OrthoLite’s VP of Operational Excellence, provided perspective. “I am very honored and proud that OrthoLite Vietnam has achieved a score of 95%. This is a truly incredible result, and genuinely something to be celebrated.”
Together with Richard, we extend huge credit and congratulations to OrthoLite Vietnam General Manager Mark Coffield and the entire OrthoLite Vietnam team for this achievement. Thank you for all the hard work and dedication to make it happen. Not only are you making OrthoLite a better place to work, live and partner with, you’re also making the world a better place for our immediate community, and for other manufacturers who can learn and adopt our sustainable processes through the transparency of the Higg community.
Cheers to a brighter, cleaner future!